Ullapool to Badachro

Below are some shots I took on a recent trip to West Coast. I was lucky enough to be a crew member on a sailing trip from Ullapool to Badachro. A night was spent at the uninhabited Islemartin where some fine Whiskies were drunk and the next day was spent sailing and motoring from Isle … Continue reading


Whilst travelling and tripping around the city of Sydney I found a shop called FEIT. I had never heard of the brand name before but liked the look of the store and the font of the sign hanging outside. I headed in to see what was being sold. I was pleasantly surprised to find a … Continue reading

Barcelona’s Underground |

Our recent trip to Barcelona resulted in lots more shots being taken. Below are some I took of the Metro system. I like the way an industrial object or space filled with metal, glass and bold graphics photographs.

Full circle |

My last post was all the way back in June some time, I have completely forgotten when it was. I feel bad having not completed the last 6 months of travel blogging with a final post. We have been back in the UK now for well over a month. It’s crazy to think that our … Continue reading

Dubai part 2 |

I found a photographer online the other day called Vincent Fournier. His work is described as having a distant observers aesthetic. I love his clinical photographs and aspire to take shots in this way. Home Below are some more images I have taken in Dubai. They have been taken from all over. Some through dirty … Continue reading

Outlier, tailored performance |

Below is a short video about a company called Outlier that has taken a tailored perspective on cycle wear. Outlier’s garments appear to be built with a functional simplicity, form and function becoming the same thing. It’s good to see the clothing aesthetic emerging from its purpose. Enjoy R Video seen on HypeBeast

Dubai part 1 |

Below are a couple of shots from Dubai. This city is crazy, one huge building site, it’s a photographers dream. The only problem is the intense heat at this time of the year. We left the UAE today on a visa run to Oman due to only having a further 4 days left on our … Continue reading

Painted characters |

Last night we went to an exhibition called “Project Mega”. It was the first exhibition to take place in the UAE that had a focus towards ‘Urban Art’. A Kid Robot style character was the canvas to which 100 artists chosen from around the world applied their hand. The results were interesting but tarnished by … Continue reading

HDR Photography|

Below is a shot taken at Hervey Bay, Australia using a method of photography called HDR. Photo’s taken using this method can look really cool. A lot more practice is needed but the results are already beginning to show. HDR images can often look to unrealistic as they overlay multiple different exposures combining them into … Continue reading

Expedition patches |

Throughout our travels I have spotted heaps of different insignia designs, be it for national parks, bus/tour companies or expedition identities. It’s become a bit of an obsession documenting these designs and looking for more. In the entrance to an exhibition on Antarctica in Christchurch there was a jacket covered in patches on display. The jacket belonged … Continue reading